Oh dear, Now don't get me wrong, I am not an MLMer? I don't know if that is how you say it, but I will never sell things to people for them to sell things and so on..... For all you who are involved in MLM's then congratulations and I hope you are succesful, but don't come knocking on my door for me to be one too. Love you, but no thanks. Although I am not involved in selling items from MLM's I am in the business of buying the products from them, with no strings attached. I love the products, from Noni juice, Xango juice, Mona Vi, Scentsy and maybe those energy chocolates as well. Pretty cool stuff. And I am now enjoying a beautiful scentsy light on my table with a delicious scent of wassail, which is apples and oranges simmering cinnamon , nutmeg and clove. Delicious. I just want to drink my house. Yumm.
oh yeah.. and I am doing a home-made project that I can't divulge until after Christmas for a family member, but I will post a picture of the lovely project, and will be selling copies on Etsy after Christmas.
Merry Christmas xoxo