I read the Nie Nie Dialogues.
And I love them.
For all of you who do love the Nie Nie Dialogues then you love the author of them.
Stephanie Nielson.
I have a little story to tell.
My Bryce and I were driving back home tonight from Grandma Smith's (you know, Monday night we always have family home evening with her) and my Bryce said, "Oh, we need to get some Milk." He innocently said we would go to Allen's, but I suggested we just stop by the BYU creamery instead because it was right on our way. He agreed. He dropped me off to go in the store while he waited in the parking lot for me. And I don't know why I thought this, but as I walked in the creamery I thought,"What if Nie Nie was in here right now?" I walked straight to the milk and guess who was right next to the milk? Stephanie Nielson. I am not a star struck person and if I saw Cameron Diaz in a store I would probably not say anything to her and tell everyone about it. But Nie Nie is different. I basically read her blog every week and when she was in Coma I read her blog archives and it really genuinely inspired me to be a better mom and wife.
So I decided to just do it. I wanted to thank her. I walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder and as soon as I started to talk tears welled up in my eyes and I could hardly muster up a word. So I said, with a shaky voice, tears, and a deep breath.
"Hi Stephanie, I just wanted to tell you I read your blog, and thank you so much....." cry cry cry.
Guess what that Angel did? She gave me a big hug. Not just an acquaintance side obligation hug. It was a warm nice sweet embrace. And of course it made me cry more. Then she said
"Thank you so much, I was having a bad day, so I really needed that."
Oh my gosh could this woman be more of a saint? She is amazing, seriously.
Then she asked me my name. I said,"Beth", then she repeated it and said,"Thanks Beth."
"No, Thank you Stephanie Nielson."
I walked to the front of the store, bought my milk and hurried in the car. My sweet Bryce was confused why I came back with milk and a puffy tear filled face! I told him what happened and he smiled and said,"that's awesome sweetheart."
It was awesome. And now, I'd like to think we are friends. She is nicer then you would ever imagine.
Thanks Stephanie.